FEARLESS MEDIA: The Future Of Entertainment, Media & Tech
FEARLESS MEDIA: The Future Of Entertainment, Media & Tech
Volume Is Out, "Fine Tuning" Is In for GenAI Video Licensing
There was a time when “bulk” was the metric that mattered most to Big Tech for video content (“data”) needed for GenAI training purposes. In fact, those times were just months ago. “The more, the better!” was Silicon Valley’s mantra. But those times are over, and they aren’t coming back. Licensing’s life-cycle has moved on. Welcome to the brave new world of video licensing — GenAI “fine tuning” style.
Peter Csathy's synthetic co-hosts from Google NotebookLLM discuss Peter's latest newsletter about it all -- which lays out the parameters that matter most right now for the major generative AI developers in terms of what they want for video licensing purposes. Those parameters and needs have evolved significantly over the course of the past several months.
Reach out to host Peter Csathy at peter@creativemedia.biz, and check out Peter's entertainment, media, AI and tech-focused business advisory and legal services firm Creative Media. You can also sign up for his free generative AI-focused newsletter "the brAIn" on Substack (via this link) -- all about how generative AI is transforming the media and entertainment industry.